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About Us

about chavan naturopathy hospital

Welcome To chavan Naturopathy

We have been the most trusted “Health care Nutrition” manual for 25 years, and We are proud of our rich history of providing evidence-based nutrition resources from the Registered Dietitian Nutritionists services. We are trying our best to build a better, the healthier future for people. Our staff is united in a shared commitment achieving better health for everyone, everywhere. Our main aim is to improve healthy eating habbits, information & inner strength. Our nutrition team love weight loss, corporate nutrition.

Message by the Founder

Under the guidance of Dr. Sunil Chavan, Chavan Naturopathy Hospital envisions a world where good health is treasured as the greatest gift to humanity. Our mission, Swaasth Jeevan, is to harness the power of Naturopathy & Ayurveda, nature's precious gifts, to ensure your well-being. As ancient systems of holistic healing, Naturopathy & Ayurveda offer curative medicines with simplicity and zero side effects. In today's context, health transcends beyond 'no-illness' to encompass overall lifestyle, happiness, and beauty. We believe that complete wellness arises from the harmony between physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Our goal is to democratize these remarkable medicinal forms, reaching all economic classes, and spreading awareness of their benefits. Chavan Naturopathy Hospital advocates for the treatment of body and mind through Naturopathy & Ayurveda, fostering recovery, cure, and preventive health. With a compassionate approach, we tailor our care to individual needs, restoring perfect natural health. Our vision is to witness our patients' recovery from chronic conditions through comprehensive Naturopathy & Ayurveda treatment, empowering them to embrace the Ayurvedic 'Dincharya' for lifelong well-being."

- Dr. Sunil Chavan
Founder of Chavan Naturopathy Hospital