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  • Mon-Sat: 9am to 6pm

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Naturopathy is an art and science of healthy living, encompassing a system of harmonizing with the constructive principles of nature on physical, mental, moral, and spiritual planes of well-being.

It is a comprehensive approach that promotes health, prevents disease, and supports curative processes through natural interventions, harnessing the body's own self-healing mechanisms.

According to Naturopathy, the primary cause of diseases lies in the violation of nature's laws, leading to a decline in vitality and the accumulation of morbid matter within the body. Sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy dietary habits weaken the digestive process, resulting in poor assimilation and elimination. This accumulation of morbid matter becomes a fertile ground for the onset and development of various diseases.

At Chavan Naturopathy Hospital, we embrace the essence of Naturopathy and aim to empower individuals with natural healing methods, promoting overall wellness and vitality.

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